Opening Titles
'The Ring'
Distribution company: 0:18
No other titles in first 2 minutes
'The Others'
Distribution company: 0:2
Actor's name: 0:34
Title of film: 0:39
Actor's name: 0:47
Actor's name: 0:54
Actor's name: 1:01
Actor's name: 1:06
Actor's name: 1:10
Actor's name: 1:15
Actors' names: 1:20
Casting Directors: 1:25
Costume Design: 1:33
Screenplay: 1:44
Production designs: 1:57
Director of photography: 2:01
'The Shining'
Film company: 0:10
Director's name: 1:20
Actor's name: 1:25
Actor's name: 1:30
Title of film: 1:35
Actor's name: 1:34
Actor's name: 1:47
Actor's name: 1:51
Actor's name: 1:56
Actor's name: 2:00
'Hide and Seek'
Distribution company: 0:10
No other titles in first 2 minutes
'The Secret Window'
Distribution company: 0:15
No other titles in first 2 minutes
'The Butterfly Effect'
Distribution company: 0:12
Association company: 0:21
Distribution company name and association: 0:43
Title of film: 1:50
Apart from 'The Others' and 'The Shining' most of the films I have analysed have little titles in the opening two minutes, all films start with the Distribution company presenting the film, but most of the films do not show any others, or only one or two other titles after this. This is an element we will have to take into consideration in our film, whether we will follow the common elements of the opening titles of this genre, or be controversial to this general component.
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